Source code for maragyoh.views.rtcgame

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF8 -*-
# Este arquivo é parte do programa Marayho
# Copyright 2014-2017 Carlo Oliveira <>,
# `Labase <>`__; `GPL <>`__.
# Marayho é um software livre; você pode redistribuí-lo e/ou
# modificá-lo dentro dos termos da Licença Pública Geral GNU como
# publicada pela Fundação do Software Livre (FSF); na versão 2 da
# Licença.
# Este programa é distribuído na esperança de que possa ser útil,
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# Licença Pública Geral GNU para maiores detalhes.
# Você deve ter recebido uma cópia da Licença Pública Geral GNU
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"""Recursiv Item List.

.. moduleauthor:: Carlo Oliveira <>

    from browser import document, html, window
except ImportError:
    from .browser import document, html, window

from random import randint
from .connector import Connect

SIZE = (50, 50)
GRAY = (50, 50, 50)



[docs]class Item: """ An Item in the outline. :param node_id: Id for remote connection :param rgb: Color for the item :param size: Size for the item :param parent: Parent for the Item """ conn = None item = {} prefix = "S_N_O_D_E_%03x" % randint(0x111, 0xfff) + "-%02d" def __init__(self, node_id, rgb, size=SIZE, parent=None): self.container = [] self.capacity = self.item_count = self.rows = self.cols = 1 self.parent, self.node_id, self.rgb, self.size = self._init(node_id, rgb, size, parent) self.parent = parent def _init(self, node_id, rgb, size, parent): print("XXXXXXX>>>> _init", ">%s<" % [node_id, rgb, size]) height, width = size self.base = base = html.DIV(style={ "background-color": "rgb(%d, %d, %d)" % rgb, "padding": "4px", "margin": "4px", "height": "%dpx" % height, "width": "%dpx" % width, "float": "left"}) base.onclick = self.add_item # parent = Item.item[tuple(node_id[:-1])] parent <= self return parent, node_id, rgb, size
[docs] def create(self, rgb=None, node_id=None, size=None): """Create an Item instance. :param node_id: Id for remote connection :param rgb: Color for the item :param size: Size for the item :return: An instance of Item """ nodeid = node_id if node_id else self.node_id + (len(self.container),) rgb = rgb or (randint(50, 250), randint(50, 250), randint(50, 250)) size = size if size else self.compute_grid() item = Item(node_id=nodeid, rgb=rgb, size=size, parent=self) Item.item[nodeid] = item size = self.compute_grid() [it.resize(size) for it in self.container] return item
[docs] def compute_grid(self): height, width = self.size while len(self.container) > self.capacity: if height / (self.rows + 1) >= width / (self.cols + 1): self.rows = self.rows + 1 else: self.cols = self.cols + 1 self.capacity = self.rows * self.cols # size = height / self.rows-10, width / self.cols-10 size = (height-1*(self.rows+1))/self.rows, (width-1*(self.cols+1))/self.cols # self.resize(size) return size
[docs] def resize(self, size): height, width = self.size = size height, width = height-8*(self.rows+1), width-8*(self.cols+1) = "%dpx" % width = "%dpx" % height self.size = height, width [item.resize((height/self.rows, width/self.cols)) for item in self.container]
def __le__(self, square): self.container.append(square) self.base <= square.base
[docs] def add_item(self, ev=None): ev.stopPropagation() print("XXXXXXX>>>> _add_item(data)", ">%s<" % [list(self.node_id), list(self.rgb), list(self.size)]) self.create().send()
# Item(self, self.compute_grid())
[docs] def send(self): data = [list(self.node_id), list(self.rgb), list(self.size)] Item.conn.send(data)
"""*##########################################*. """
[docs]class Base(Item): """ The Base Item of the outline. :param node_id: Id for remote connection :param rgb: Color for the item :param last: index for the item """ def __init__(self, last, node_id, rgb=GRAY): self.base = canvas = document["pydiv"] def _add_item(data): # print("XXXXXXX>>>> _add_item(data)", ">%s<" % data) _node_id, _rgb, _size = tuple(data[0]), tuple(data[1]), tuple(data[2]) # print("XXXXXXX>>>> Item.item", ">%s<" % Item.item.keys()) # print("XXXXXXX>>>> Item.item[key]", ">%s<" % type(_node_id), _node_id, _node_id[:-1]) Item.item[_node_id[:-1]].create(_rgb, _node_id, _size) class NoItem: def __init__(self): self.container = [] def __le__(self, square): canvas <= square.base Item.prefix = node_id self.no_item = NoItem() height, width = window.innerHeight - 40, window.innerWidth - 100 size = height, width Item.item[()], Item.item[(0,)] = self.no_item, self Item.__init__(self, (0,), rgb, size, self.no_item) Item.conn = Connect(last, node_id, _add_item) = 40 = 10 = "absolute"
"""*##########################################*. """
[docs]def main(last, nodeid): Base(last, nodeid)